• English


Historical Sociology Journal

About the Journal

Review Procedure

Formal Requirements for Contributors


Copyright notice

Submitting individual posts

Text formatting

Citation standard

About the Journal

Interdisciplinary journal focuses mainly on sociological, political and historical aspects of long-term social processes and trends, modernization, globalization tendencies and influences. The journal creates a wider platform for scholars in historical social sciences. The epistemological field of the journal is not strictly limited and anticipates transcendental civilization, cultural sociology, and other related areas.

Journal is published by publishing house of Charles University called Karolinum in cooperation with Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.

This is an unofficial and accompanying page of the journal. The main site is within the Karolinum publishing house.

Historical sociology is an open-access scientific journal, which means that all content is freely available free of charge to the user or institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or refer to the full text of articles in this magazine without prior permission from the publisher or author.

The reviewed scientific journal is published twice a year, in June and December.

Editor in Chief: (FHS UK, Praha)

Executive Editor: (FHS UK, Praha)

The journal is abstracted and indexed in the following databases:


All the former volumes of Historical sociology journal can be found in the archive.

Review Procedure

Historical sociology journal publishes expert texts corresponding to its interdisciplinary approach.

The Historical Sociology magazine is a periodical with a demanding independent review process. The review procedure is mutually anonymous and includes two independent assessments. The reviewers are selected by both domestic and foreign experts who are not from the workplace of the author or in conflict with the reviewed text.

The editor confirms that his post has arrived and will post a contribution to the review process (excluding reviews and reports). The editor then provides feedback to the author who adjusts the texts based on reviewers' testimonials.

In case of identical opinion of both reviewers, the text will be accepted for publication, otherwise the text will be rejected. If one opinion is positive and the other is negative, the author will be asked by the editor-in-chief to revise the text, then the editorial board after the discussion will pronounce the final conclusion of the review process. In the event of disagreement with the criticism of the reviewers, the author may, in a letter addressed to the editor-in-chief, refer to the review report.

The decision to accept or not accept the contribution will be sent to the author as soon as possible.

The article is ranked based on the actual number of contributions and length of the review process.

Formal Requirements for Contributors

The Historical Sociology journal publishes the following types of author's texts:

  • academic studies (up to 30 pages)

  • breefing papers (up to 30 pages)

  • essays (up to 25 pages)

  • review essays (up to 15 pages)

  • interviews (up to 15 pages)

  • discussions and polemics (up to 15 pages)

  • messages (up to 7 pages)

  • reviews (up to 7 pages)

  • varias (5 pages)

The Historical Sociology journal accepts and publishes only expert texts and texts that correspond to its focus.

Historical sociology publishes texts in Czech, Slovak, English, French and German. The texts must always be edited in accordance with the author's instructions.

Texts received for print are published in both the printed and electronic versions of the magazine. The authors already agree with the publication of their article in the journal and note that Historical Sociology is an open-access journal.


The Open Access of the magazine means that all content is available free of charge to the user or institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or refer to the full text of articles in this magazine without prior permission from the publisher or author.

Copyright notice

This publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).

By sending a paper for publication in the Historical Sociology journal, the authors agree with the publication of their work under the CC BY license. Copyright remains unlimited.

Submitting individual posts

Contributions to the journal can be sent to the editorial staff anytime by mail to and copy to e-mail . Therefore, you need to send a post to both of these email addresses. The editors always confirm the delivery of each handwriting.

For reviews, it is recommended that the authors first agree with the editorial staff about the topic and date of the offer.

The editorial staff accepts contributions exclusively by e-mail, along with a cover letter (may be included in e-mail) at the address of both editors with full contact on the Contributor, including his/hers telephone number.

Posts for study columns, review articles, review essays, interviews, discussions, and polemics must include:

  • 1. the title and short summary in Czech and English (abstract) presented in the introduction of the paper (under the Czech title of the paper and the name of the author), the scope of which should be 100 to 200 words

  • 2. five to seven keywords in both Czech and English listed under the abstract

  • 3. contact of the author in the form of the full name and address of the workplace and the e-mail address given on the first page of the paper in the footnote

  • 4. a short curriculum vitae at the end of each post in the range of 20-30 words

The editors perform the linguistic control of the received texts. Extensive modifications are consulted with the author, minor edits are made usually without consulting the author. The resulting text can be sent to the author at his/hers request following editorial modifications.

Authors do not pay any editorial fees.

The journal does not pay any fee to the author for sent contributions.

Authors receive a free copy of the journal where their contribution is included.

Text formatting

Manuscripts for Historical Sociology journal must be created in a Word text editor or other compatible editor and should have .doc, .docx, or .odt format. They should use Times New Roman font size 12, line spacing 1.5, and 2.5 cm on both sides. Pages should be numbered, at the bottom of the page in the middle.

Do not insert the attachments (pictures, photos) directly into the text, but mark the placement in the text, for example <>. Then send the image as a separate .pdf, .tiff, .eps file with 300 dpi resolution, charts, diagrams and diagrams with 1200 dpi resolution.

Prepare tables with the built-in MS Word spreadsheet. Use simple formatting (black, one line type, text formatting), do not use any shading or multiple line types.

For graphs and schematics, supply all structure values, ie all the specific numbers for their processing. Add the charts in black and white.

Do not divide words at the end of the line and do not edit their positioning. Use the hard end of the line (using the ENTER key) only to end a paragraph or captions and headlines.

Use only italics rather than bold or underlined style to highlight a specific part of the text, including a quotation.

Write the notes below the line, not after the text (in the MS Word use the 'insert the footnote' function).

Citation standard

Texts in Historical Sociology journal use references to literature in the text and footnotes. Each item in the Bibliography must also be referenced in the text, otherwise it will be removed from the list. Quotations are governed by the appropriate citation standards and meet the following requirements:

References to literature in the Bibliography in the text only use square brackets. The links are in italics and have the form [Juergensmeyer 2008: 37-38], [Ness - Lopreato 1966], [Arnason 2012a; Arnason 2014] etc.

Examples of basic types of quotes:

a) Monograph

Mezřický, Václav (ed.) [2003]. Globalizace. Praha: Portál.

Rhodewalt, Frederick – Peterson, Benjamin [2007]. The self and Social Behavior: The Fragile Self and Interpersonal Self-Regulation. New York: Taylor and Francis.

b) Studies in almanacs

Juergensmeyer, Mark [2006b]. From Bhindranwale to Bin Laden: A Search for Understanding Religious Violence. In. Cady, Linnell E. – Simon, Sheldon W. (eds.). Religion and Conflict in Asia: Disrupting Violence. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, s. 21–30.

c) Articles in journals

Ness, Robert C. – Lopreato, Joseph [1966]. Vilfredo Pareto – Sociologist or Ideologist? Sociological Quarterly 7 (1): 21–38.

d) Electronic documents

Juergensmeyer, Mark [2006b]. Religious Nationalism and Transnationalism in a Global World [online]. Dostupné z: [cit. 16. 10. 2008].

Please quote literally (including any errors in the original text) and always put it in quote marks. To skip some parts of the particular quotation, type in parentheses using only three dots.

Poslední změna: 23. červen 2024 16:17 
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